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Our pledge to Customers, Team Members and Vendor Partners.
In our ongoing effort to advance a more open and inclusive culture at Uniform Advantage® and beyond, I am pleased to announce that we recently made donations to three organizations that share that same goal.
The contributions totaling $75,000 were based on recommendations from our employee-led Empowering Change Committee (ECC), which we established last year. These funds will support programs that promote physical and financial wellness, education, employment, and entrepreneurship in minority and underserved communities. The three organizations receiving funding are:
National Urban League
Five National Urban League programs will share $50,000 from Uniform Advantage®
Hispanic Unity of Florida (HUF)
$15,000 will be given to HUF to support its Unity4Kids program
Foundation for Initiatives in Development and Education for All (IDEA)
$10,000 is awarded to IDEA for two programs. IDEA is based in Pune, India
These organizations and programs are at the forefront of efforts to eliminate racial barriers and other forms of discrimination. It’s an honor to lend our support to their mission. Learn more.
I cannot stress enough that all voices are heard and valued at UA® Brands. As a global company, we are committed to supporting the communities UA® calls home. The ECC reflects the diversity of our workforce and the places they live. I am grateful for their time and dedication and look forward to their ongoing work.

The Organizations
National Urban League of America
a national organization focused on economic empowerment; health care access; educational, job, and housing opportunities; and civil rights guarantees for the underserved in America. Uniform Advantage® Brands will make a $50,000 donation, divided into increments of $10,000 to be allocated to these Signature Programs.Reducing racial health disparities and promoting health and wellness.
Project ReadyReadying African American and other urban youth for college and careers through a set of evidence-based standards, impactful local and national partnerships, innovative content, asset-based approaches, professional development, and practical tools.
Entrepreneurship CentersEnabling minority entrepreneurs, running their businesses as sole proprietors, to be able to hire employees and grow their revenues above $750K, and helping small businesses negatively affected by the recession to begin to grow and thrive again.
Urban Reentry Jobs ProgramProviding formerly incarcerated adults with necessary skills and training to successfully re-enter the job market and find positions with livable wages that can lead to elevated income.
Financial Empowerment CentersTo help low- and moderate-incomes families earn more, keep more of what they earn, begin to build savings and assets, and move up the economic ladder.
Hispanic Unity of Florida
HUF provides a range of wrap-around services to help more than 23,000 clients of all ages, from preschoolers to adults, successfully transition to a productive new life. UA® Brands has made a $15,000 donation to HUF to support its Unity4Kids program.Unity4Kids
A licensed, nationally accredited early childhood program that provides affordable, high-quality childcare for low-income, underserved, migrant families. Its two-generation approach supports both parents and children.
Foundation for Initiatives in Development and Education for All (IDEA)
IDEA originated from the findings of a PhD study by Dr. Usha Pillai to deal with the problems in education and developmental issues of the marginalized people. IDEA is located in Pune, India. UA® Brands has made a $10,000 donation to IDEA to support two programs.UTKARSH
Community-based study centers for children that create safe learning spaces and work to reduce school drop-out rates. Focus is placed on improving fundamental learning skills.
An Entrepreneurial Development Program (EDP) that encourages women to start their own businesses.
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